"Battlestar Galactica" for the Bally Arcade / Astrocade 300-Baud Version for Bally BASIC Copyright 1979 Dick Nitto "Battlestar Galactica" was published, here: "Have a Ball with Bally" By Richard J. Nitto KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING (November 1979): 142-144 Here is a brief excerpt from the article: I have included one of my family's favorite programs (see the program listing) to give you an idea of the diversity and creative use of the special BALLY commands. It is based on the TV show "Battlestar Galactica" and utilizes one joystick for operation. It is both challenging and fun. Be the first on your block to become a fleet commander. Updates were included, here: "Have a Ball with Bally" Corrections KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING (February 1980): 212 Somewhere between the corrected proof and the published article, "Have a Ball with Bally," in the November 1979 issue, p. 142, a couple of important program segments were lost. The corrected lines are as follows: 270 GOSUB 440;IF G=1 GOTO 330 280 IF S=0R=R+1;GOTO330 To those who asked for an easier version, substitute the following lines: 260 IF X<3 IF X>-3 IF Y<3 IF Y>-3 GOTO 300 440 IF X<4 IF X>-4 IF Y<4 IF Y>-4 A=520;G=1;GOTO 460 My thanks to everyone who telephoned and wrote to me. Your compliments were appreciated. - Richard J. Nitto Note: Originally the short four-line program that displays the complete alphabet has line 40 as: 40 NEXT I. It should be: 40 NEXT A